Saturday, August 30, 2008

Other Entries: Rachel Tan Jia Yi

Singapore through my Eyes

To me, the best thing about Singapore is that it is safe and clean. We can walk around the country without worrying about crime and without being bothered by rubbish on the ground.

Our government looks after us well. Most Singaporeans own places of their own, HDB flats, condominiums or landed houses. We do not have to worry about having no place to sleep in at night.

Singapore is also a shopping haven. We have many shopping centres for different needs. If you want cheap items, you can go to Mustafa’s in Little India. If you want computer goods and games, there is Sim Lim Square or Funan Centre. If you want branded goods, head to Orchard Road. If you get tired and want to eat delicious food, we have plenty of great local food such as Laksa or Prawn Noodles, Nasi Briyani or Roti Prata at food courts, coffee shops and restaurants.

Most Singaporean adults have jobs which allow them to earn money. This might not be the case in other countries so we are doing very well. Children in Singapore attend school to get their education and meet their friends, unlike pupils from some other countries.

Singaporeans are very, very blessed because our country has not encountered natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes or cyclones which can cause terrible damage or kill and injure many people.

I am very proud and happy to be a Singaporean and I love living here in Singapore!

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